Nepali Hot Movie Chapali Height |Nepal Maxim Hot Actress Binita Baral

Nepali Movie : Chapali Height
Director : Dipendra K. Khanal
Producer : Arjun Kumar
Casts : Aamir Gautam, Raj Gautam, Binita Baral etc.
Release Date : 3rd Chaitra

Chapali Height is a story of Amir (Amir Gautam) , Bineeta (Binita Baral) and Raj (Raj Ghimire). Amir and Bineeta come from Pokhara to live in Raj’s house at Chapali Height where he is living alone. After spending some time there, relationship between Amir and Bineeta becomes sour and an accident commences the main story of the movie. Its better to Keep the details of the accident, and the suspense that follows, a secret so that your movie experience is not ruined when you watch the movie in theatre.This movie keep behind the loot nepali movie which is also great successful movie.Nepali Hot Movie Chapali Height,Nepal Maxim Hot Actress Binita Baral.

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